Вот нашлось в интернете. Лично сам не проверял, но должно работать...
# Configure the following variables according to your requirements
# very last corrected version - bug fix of ceated start script 'firefox-portable' -- this example is for 64bit linux installations
version="15.0" # usually most recent version # replaces f.e. version 15.0
#language="en-US" # e.g. "de" or "en-US"
######################################################## path as of 20120901:
# http://releases.mozilla.org/pu...
application="firefox" # "thunderbird" or "firefox" but file extension, archive extraction, and binary execution needs to be adapted as well
# Prepare directories
mkdir "${application}-portable"
cd "${application}-portable"
mkdir data
# Install Firefox
wget "${url1}${url2}${application}/releases/latest/linux-x86_64/${language}/${file}"
echo "Extracting archive, please wait..."
tar xfj $file
rm $file
mv $application app
# Create application launcher
echo '#!/bin/sh' > "${application}-portable"
echo '"$PWD/app/firefox" -no-remote -profile "$PWD/data/"' >> "${application}-portable"
chmod +x "${application}-portable"
echo "Creation of Firefox Portable for Linux finished."